The Implications of Freeway Siting in California

Alternative routes for US-50 in Sacramento, November 1958 (Sacramento Bee)

Project summary: This project examines four consequences of freeway construction on communities of color: (1) direct disruption, including disinvestment and loss of housing, businesses and institutions; (2) increasing segregation; (3) diminished access to opportunities, and (4) health impacts from truck and auto pollution. The project team is taking a mixed-methods approach, examining historical quantitative data sources, newspapers and other media sources, and interviews with advocates and their close associates to reconstruct narratives about how freeway construction had and continues to have severe racial consequences.

This project is a joint effort between scholars at the UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies and the UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies.

Jesus M. Barajas
Jesus M. Barajas
Assistant Professor of Environmental Science and Policy
