Mobility Justice in Rural California: Examining Transportation Barriers and Adaptations in Carless Households

Image: AP Photo / Nati Harnik

Project summary: This study will begin with a quantitative characterization of the rural zero-car population in California, followed by a qualitative evaluation of the travel burdens faced by households without cars, with a particular focus in the rural San Joaquin Valley of California. The qualitative analysis will examine the barriers that individuals face and the adaptations they adopt to achieve mobility and access needs.

This research project focuses on three main questions:

  1. What is the scope and scale of rural car access in California?
  2. What burdens do carless rural households face with respect to mobility and access?
  3. How do rural households adapt to the lack of a household vehicle to meet their transportation needs?

I am collaborating with Dana Rowangould of the University of Vermont, who has a similar project underway.

Jesus M. Barajas
Jesus M. Barajas
Assistant Professor of Environmental Science and Policy
