Evaluating IDOT's Community Impact Assessment Manual to Determine Socioeconomic Impacts of Projects

Photo by Johannes Krupinski on Unsplash

Project summary: An updated Community Impact Assessment Manual will be a critical tool as the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) implements the transportation components of the capital bill. This research provides IDOT with a modern approach to evaluate economic benefits and demonstrate that its investments are benefiting all people across the state, regardless of socioeconomic status. This project will examine: 1) What is the academic research and state of practice with respect to community impact assessment since IDOT last published the Community Impact Assessment Manual? 2) How can updated analytical methods for community impact assessment create sustainable and equitable conditions in Illinois communities?

Project collaborators include Lindsay Braun and the Center for Neighborhood Technology.

Jesus M. Barajas
Jesus M. Barajas
Assistant Professor of Environmental Science and Policy
